I went over to my good friend Brie's house tonight to help her and my bro Cyrus to make some of the best juice in the world. So thankful to be home and have a network of health conscious friends who enjoy creating the healthiest and most delicious food ever! Brie has a Norwalk juicer, the best in the world due to the fact that it is not a centrifugal juicer, which will oxidize the juice making it spoil quicker, but instead the Norwalk is a hydraulic press, where the veggies are pushed through a grate and then pressed to remove the juice. Not only does the juice stay fresh longer, but the taste is phenomenal! While Cyrus and I worked on the juice, Brie made one of her amazing sprout salads, and we had a hero feast fit for royalty. Soaking up the nutrients and life force of this incredible elixir is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much Brie and Cyrus for the awesome night!

Liquid Love :)
keep creating the synergy :)
ReplyDeleteHydraulic presses resulting in a final aesthetically designed system. Check http://www.precisehydraulic.com/hydraulic-press.htm