Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sometimes Life Gets In The Way

So much going on, so much I have been wanting to write about, so many thoughts I want to share, not only for everyone else to enjoy, but because somehow the process of this blog helps me to clarify and make sense of my world through the review and analysis of daily events, allowing me to view them through the lens of a holistic perspective.  But it is funny how quickly my schedule has become too busy to find time now that I have acclimated to "island time."  Surf, stretch, eat, and sleep routine really does prove to be a full-time commitment.  Reviewing surf and weather forecasts, virtual buoy projections, and wind direction models, then analyzing all of this information along side personal experience of which breaks will favor those conditions, and have the best potential for the best waves, and to then decide the plan for the following day takes some time.  Harvesting ripe citrus from around the neighborhood or hacking into a young coconut for a meal requires some effort.  And there isn't enough time in the day to do all of the stretching I wish I could do, keeping my muscles and joints strong yet flexible is a mandatory counterbalance to release tension from the taxing that all-day surf binges will inflict.  Just thinking about some yoga asanas instantly calms my energy.  Actually, what am I doing right now?  I can't sit here, I gotta go stretch.........

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