Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I am so thankful for the incredible week of surf I have been blessed to enjoy lately, sharing perfect barrels with a couple of great friends really puts things into perspective.  The police found my car on Sunday night, but unfortunately it was cleaned out of every single thing that I had in there, so I am still missing a bunch of personal items.  But I have realized that even though I lost some important material possessions that they are just that, and are not nearly as important as the feelings and energies I have experienced the last few days surfing perfect waves with two close friends.  Living a conscious life connected to the power of nature and in tune with its energy is a satisfaction no material possession can bring.  Sure my material possessions are nice, but the ones I miss most are not just things but are tools, like my surfboard or my bamboo fins or my wetsuits, items that allow me to experience a more fulfilled life and to tap into nature's harmony.  I have also realized that the more I have shared with and given to others, the more they are able to return that favor and help me out when I need it.  Friends have been willing to share surf gear with me to keep me in the water, some of which I had given to them this past year, really helping me to see how everything comes around full circle.  So remember to be happy and thankful for all that you do have, your friends, family, health, and experiences and don't worry about things you wish you had or think you need, everything is there when you need it when you focus on living a life filled with joy.  :)

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